Romans 5:3 "...we exult in our tribulations, knowing that tribulation brings about perseverance; and perseverance, proven character; and proven character, hope. And hope does not disappoint..."
In my younger days I used to run 10K races regularly. I use the word "run" loosely, for anyone who saw me would describe it differently. Let's just say it was a faster pace than walking. I remember my first race. I saw all these athletes in their cool running gear stretching and warming up. I asked myself what I was doing there. I'm not in their class; I can't compete with them. Then I remembered why I had entered in the first place. I wanted to see if I could do it. I wasn't competing with anyone but myself. My goal: to finish the race.
I did finish the race, but it certainly wasn't easy. There came a few points along the course where breathing became difficult, my legs ached, and I could easily have justified giving up. But I didn't. Something inside me wouldn't let me. I had made a commitment and I was going to keep it.
Here's what I learned from my 10K "career": After that first race, I never again doubted that I could complete the course. My goal changed from finishing the race to trying to beat my previous time. Persevering through the pain and doubts developed confidence (proven character) that gave me hope.
There have been times in my life when I have prayed for guidance, for direction, and God has clearly answered the prayer. Then, having committed to follow His lead and acting upon it, I found the going a lot tougher than I had expected. I began to doubt my decision, to second guess my understanding of God's plan. I seriously considered quitting the "race". Wise friends counseled me to keep going, and I did. Looking back, I can see that God used those experiences, difficult as they were, to develop perseverance, confidence, and hope in me. That wasn't my goal, but it was His.
Are you struggling today to keep moving forward? Are you doubting God's leading? Before you quit, ask yourself if you believe God opened the door and directed you on this course. If He did, He will sustain you. He will give you the resources to finish what you have started and along the way He will develop perseverance, confidence, and hope.
Lord, I would rather have an easy than a difficult road, but I know that's not how You work. All I have to do is look at Jesus to see that. Please keep me focused on You rather than on my problems. Please confirm Your plan and give me the faith and strength to follow You.
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