Wednesday, November 23, 2011

How to deal with those who bug you...

Romans 12:14 "as to those who persecute ("pursue") you, bless them, do not curse them."

Our little ADHD puppy loves to pursue his two older "brothers".  I'm sure Bentley and Rascal see him as persecuting them.  He is constantly wanting to rough-house with them.  Their reaction?  From their ferocious growling, I take it that they are not blessing him!

For the early church (and the church in many countries today) this situation was the norm.  They were constantly being persecuted.  Just look at how the Jewish leaders doggedly pursued Paul in city after city.  He didn't "roll over"...he confronted them.  But in those confrontations, we never see him cursing them.  I don't see him blessing them either, for that matter, but I assume he did.

This is a hard one for me.  Why should I bless someone who is wrongly attacking me?  It goes back to God wanting to make me more like Jesus (Rom 8:29).  Look how He responded when persecuted.  It also has to do with God's sovereignty and omniscience.  He sees the "big picture" and has a plan, not only for us, but for those who are giving us a hard time...and He is allowing us the privilege of participating with Him in the process!

I can't remember a time when someone was pursuing me and seeking to harm me, but I often find myself harassed by telemarketers and others who want something from me, who interrupt my schedule.  I'm afraid that I react a lot like my dogs.  My first inclination is to growl.  I think God would be more pleased if I saw those irritating interruptions as Divine appointments.  What would that telemarketer think if I blessed him and asked if I could pray for him? 

Lord, help me to respond like Jesus to everyone I encounter today.

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