Friday, November 25, 2011

Humble and proud of it!

Romans 12:16 "Be of the same mind toward one another; do not be haughty in mind, but associate with the lowly.  Do not be wise in your own estimation."

We all know people who are "full of themselves", self important, "legends in their own minds."  We think to ourselves, "I'm glad I'm not like that."  But...are we that different from them?

I like to think of myself as humble, not above associating with anyone.  But am I really?  How did I respond the last time an obviously needy person asked if he could clean my windshield while I pumped gas into my truck?  Did I engage him in conversation?  Did I even think of sharing the Good News with him?  Was I genuinely concerned about his situation?  Or did I brush him off, hoping he would go bother someone else?

I find myself facing decisions like that more and more often.  My usual response troubles me, as I am sure it must trouble God.  I don't need to always give money to those who ask, but I could go into the shop and buy him a cup of coffee and something to eat.  I could take a few minutes to "associate with the lowly", hear his story, pray with him.

Where would I be if Jesus chose not to "associate with the lowly"?  I'd rather not think about it.

Lord, as always, I ask You to direct my steps today and to see interruptions as Divine appointments, especially when I am "accosted" by those with whom I'd rather not interact.  Lord, please let me see through your eyes, love with your heart, act as your hands.

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