Thursday, February 23, 2012

God's artesian well...

John 7:38 "He who believes in Me, from his innermost being shall flow rivers of living water."

I live near the city of Artesia.  That city derives its name from the artesian wells that used to be prevalent in the area.  An artesian well is a free flowing fountain of water coming from the water table.  I can't explain the geologic details, but suffice it to say that an artesian well is a wonderful, valuable natural resource.

Jesus wants me to be something akin to an artesian well.  The Holy Spirit desires to be a free flowing fountain in my life, providing an unending supply of grace and mercy to all I meet.  Unfortunately, the fountain sometimes becomes obstructed and clogged by debris - all the stuff of life that sidetracks me.  Sometimes the water supply becomes polluted by sin. 

My goal is to tap into the fresh, pure, never-ending river of life each morning.  I ask the Holy Spirit to reveal any debris or pollutants and to clean it up.  I want to be a channel of His blessings to all I encounter today.

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