Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Enouraged and Encourager...

2 Cor 7:6  "But God, who comforts (encourages, comes alongside) those who are downcast (discouraged, disheartened), comforted us by the coming of Titus..."

I woke up at 2:30 this morning.  It didn't surprise me.  God is doing some wonderful things in our school and in our church and I'm excited to see how and where He is leading us, and what it's going to look like.  The Enemy doesn't like what's happening and he attacks whenever and wherever he can, trying to interrupt/disrupt God's work.  I awoke with a formidable task list swirling in my head, feeling inadequate, feeling like a failure.  So, I did what I usually do in a situation like this...I grabbed my pen and paper. made a prioritized "to do" list for the day and lay back down to pray.  God eased the panic, let me rest and I got up a couple hours later looking forward to the day ahead, confident of God's presence.

The word, "downcast", paints a vivid picture.  It reminds me of Eeyore.  It's how I feel when I am discouraged.  It's a picture of someone whose focus is inward rather than upward; who feels isolated, alone, and helpless.  While those feelings are genuine, they don't reflect reality for a Christian.  God is with us, even in the lonely times.  His Holy Spirit within us is the Comforter.

While the Holy Spirit is working on us from the inside, He also sends fellow Believers to come alongside and encourage us from the outside.

I thank God that He encouraged me early this morning.  Now I look forward to being used by Him today to comfort someone else. (2 Cor 1:3-5).

Lord, I'm ready.  I'm listening.  

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