Thursday, August 4, 2011

Help....I'm do I get back?!!

Hebrews 6:19 "This hope we have as an anchor of the soul, a hope that is both sure and steadfast, and one which enters the veil."

When I was in Jr. High, my friend, Desi, and I would spend our summer days on our surf mats (forerunners of boogie boards :-)) at Seal Beach. One lazy afternoon, we were facing the ocean, searching the horizon for the next "big" wave, and we unknowingly were caught in a riptide. Before long, we were out near the end of the pier. Looking back to shore, a crowd was gathering and we saw two lifeguards swimming towards us. How embarrassing!!! Paddle as we might, we couldn't make any progress towards home. With mixed emotions, we abandoned our mats and let the lifeguards drag us to the beach.

Sometimes my relationship with God feels like that. Without even realizing it, I drift with the tide and soon I find myself far off course, unable to get my bearings and struggling to get back to the safety of the shore.

How can I stop or limit the drifting in the first place? God's Word says we have an anchor that is "sure and steadfast". It is our hope of eternal life and it is fastened securely to the throne of God! My relationship with Jesus and my future with Him in Heaven is secured by who He is, what He has done, and where He is now. As I keep my faith fastened to that anchor, I need not fear drifting too far from safety.

So, bring on the riptides...those temptations, diversions, distractions that this world uses to pull me off course. I am steadfastly anchored in Heaven, and with His help, today I will be steadfast, immoveable, abounding in the work of the Lord.

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