Monday, August 22, 2011

Mi casa es su casa...How hospitable are you?...

Hebrews 13:2 "Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by this some have entertained angels without knowing it."

Things were really difficult for Christians in the 1st century. Just for being a Believer people lost their jobs, their families, their friends, and even their lives. As a result many were homeless and driven from their cities. It was the privilege and responsibility of fellow Christians to open their homes and do whatever was necessary to help them.

Sometimes I find myself holding on tightly to the things I "own", forgetting that everything I possess is not really mine, but God's. He has blessed me beyond what I deserve and, if I'm honest, beyond what I really need. I need to be alert and sensitive to the needs of others. I need to be ready to open my door, my wallet, my heart to those God brings across my path.

Thank you, Lord, for your overflowing provision for me and my family. Please forgive me for focusing on what I think I need, rather than on the blessings You have provided. Help me to look for opportunities to bless someone today. Amen.

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