Thursday, September 15, 2011

Father knows best...

Proverbs 16:9 "The mind of man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps."

We have done a few "remodels" on our house over the last 32 years. Each time I was "owner-builder". Designing the projects and drawing the plans was one of my favorite phases. Joan and I had great ideas, but before we could implement them, we had to submit to a "plan check". The city planner asked questions, made suggestions, and requested revisions so our project would meet the codes and regulations.

My life is like that. Too often I make plans and assume God will "rubber stamp" them, not making allowances for His revisions. I need to submit my plans to Him and honestly ask Him for input. I need to humbly, enthusiastically embrace His revisions, trusting that the Father knows best. :-)

Father, You know my plans for this day. Please help me to hear You clearly as You make adjustments that will better accomplish Your plan. Amen.

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