Friday, September 9, 2011

The power of a good word...

Proverbs 12:25 "Anxiety in the heart of man causes depression, But a good word makes it glad." Isaiah 50:4 "The Lord GOD has given Me The tongue of the learned, That I should know how to speak a word in season to him who is weary..."

I can remember a few times when I was so discouraged, so low that I "had to look up to look down." In each of those instances, God sent a friend to listen and to speak a timely word of encouragement. God moved that person to come to me; God gave him the words to say. Fortunately for me, my friend was "tuned in" to the Holy Spirit and chose to respond in obedience to His prompting. What a difference it made in my life!

Is someone you know hurting? Is God prompting you to do something? Has He given you a word of encouragement to share? Don't rush by those opportunities. It may not be an appropriate time to go to the person, but thank God for the multiple means of communication. Email, Facebook, Twitter, Skype, texting...even as a last resort, the telephone or a hand-written note! :-)

Lord, I know You want to use me to encourage someone today. Please give me an open ear, a discerning heart, and a willing spirit. I want to make a difference.

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