Prov 5:21 "For the ways of a man are before the eyes of the Lord, and H watches all his paths."
I must have been six or seven and I had a sweet tooth. I also knew where my mom hid the candy. It was in the left upper kitchen cabinet on the right hand side of the second shelf. Sure, it was high, but not out of reach for a hungry, determined little boy. I waited until she was busy in the other room, scooted a chair to the counter, and climbed up. Looking around, I quickly grabbed a handful of M&Ms, scrambled down and put the chair back in place. I escaped to my bedroom and devoured my stolen loot. Later that day, mom causally asked if I had enjoyed the candy. How could she have known? For the next few years I was convinced that she knew every move I made!
Believing that my mom knew what I was doing influenced my decision making. It occasionally kept me out of trouble, as I didn't want to disappoint her and I didn't want to be punished. As I grew up, I learned that she wasn't omniscient after all.
I did, however, become intimately acquainted with One, a facet of whose character is that He is all-knowing. There is a wonderful sense of security and protection in the realization that I cannot hide from God. Psalm 139 says that He is behind, ahead, below, and above me. He knows me inside out and He observes my coming and going. Understanding this helps me to make wise choices and keeps me on the right path most of the time. The closer I become to Him, the more I sense His presence, and the better I am able to discern His directions.
Thank you, Lord, for caring enough about me to notice me. Please let me feel Your presence with me today; let me follow You closely throughout the day. Amen.
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