Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Is your heart out of balance?...

Proverbs 21:2 "Everyone's way is right in his own eyes, but the Lord weighs the heart."

When confronted, I am quick to justify my choices and actions. If I have messed up, the tendency is to cover up, do damage control. Although everything may look good on the outside, and even if I can convince myself that things are okay, I can't fool God. He knows me inside out and the Holy Spirit cuts through my defenses to evaluate my motives, my intentions in the light of His Word. Too often, He shows me that my heart is out of balance -- it is heavy with my desires and light with His. Uh-oh.

The good news is that God loves me in spite of what He knows about me. He wants me to be transparent, totally honest with Him and with myself. He's teaching me to do my own regular self-evaluation so that I get in the habit of listening to the Spirit and evaluating my decisions based on His revealed will.

God, please help me to listen carefully to You today and to be open and honest with myself and You.

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