Wednesday, September 7, 2011

How's your virus protection?...

Prov 4:23 "Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life."

One of my "dreads" is a virus-infected computer. So much of my life is on my laptop. It makes my feel a little more secure each time I see the message, "scanning for viruses". There's a little sentry somewhere inside my computer checking everyone's credentials, and he's not about to let an imposter get in. That's not technologically accurate, but it's the picture in my mind. :-)

The Hebrew word for "guard" is the military term for a sentry, a soldier tasked with keeping things secure, keeping the bad guys out. It is, in a sense, anti-virus protection. Just like the computer hackers and other techno-bad-guys who strategize to infect my computer, Satan and his minions are constantly trying to find ways to infiltrate my heart. He likes nothing more than to distract me, confuse me, distort God's message. It was that way in the beginning in the Garden with Eve and it hasn't changed over the centuries.

How do I guard my heart? It's very basic. Keep short accounts with God...don't let sin and guilt linger. Keep "prayed-up"...have regular conversations with God. It helps me to distinguish His voice from the Devil's. Read His Word makes it harder for the Deceiver to distort the message. Have an "accountability partner", someone trustworthy with whom I can be transparently honest and who will not let me get by with anything. Fellowship with other believers...praise and worship are "good infections"!

Lord, thank you for all the many "virus protections" You provide for me. Please help me to keep up to date!

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