Proverbs 6:20-23 "...observe the commandment of your father...bind them continually on your heart...they will guide over to you...for the commandment is a lamp, and the teaching is light; and the reproofs of discipline are the way of life."
You think GPS is cool? I once had a 1956 Chevy that had "auto pilot"! When I was in college, every evening around 5:30 p.m. it would automatically navigate to my girlfriend's house. Joan and her mom were terrific cooks and somehow I was always "in the neighborhood" at dinner time. It happened so regularly that they began setting a place for me at the table each evening.
God wants us to have an "auto pilot" of sorts...He wants us to habitually, automatically navigate to a daily "quiet time" with Him. For me,it's early morning. I'm in my study at 5 a.m., cup of coffee in one hand, Bible on my lap, ready to spend some time with Him... and He's always there first, waiting for me! Don't get me wrong...I don't necessarily look forward to the alarm sounding at 4:30. Just like I craved those daily meals at Joan's house, I love my daily time with God. It's what frames my day. It gives me fresh perspective and sets the tone for all that I will do. It opens my heart and my ears to His Word. It "tunes me in" to the voice of His Spirit. It helps me to see the path ahead more clearly.
Lord, thank You for wanting to meet with me each morning. Thank You for always showing up, even when I don't. Thank You for the day You've planned for me today. I'm ready to follow Your lead.
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