Friday, September 30, 2011

What's the big deal? It's just a lottery ticket....

Proverbs 30:8-9 "...give me neither poverty or riches; feed me with the food that is my portion, lest I be full and deny Thee and say, 'Who is the Lord?', or lest I be in want and steal, and profane the name of God."

Every time I drive by the corner liquor store the lottery posters beckon me with their promises of millions.  Occasionally they win and I plunk down a couple dollars for a "quick pick", envisioning all the things I could do for God if I won. (That's right...for God.  I'm not selfish.!?? Yeah, right)  Then I think of all the hassles and stress  that would accompany sudden wealth, and the Holy Spirit drags me back to these verses in Proverbs.

If I'm honest with myself, I pray this prayer reluctantly, with mixed emotions.  There's always a struggle going on inside me.  Part of me is pulling me to seek my security in money.  The Spirit is pulling me to trust God and be content with what He provides (Matt 6:33).  One thing I know...the more I have, the less I tend to rely on Him.  That's not good.  So...I push ahead, trusting Him and trying to be a good steward of what He's put in my care.

Lord, You know me inside out.  You know the bottom line is that I do trust You.  You also see the tug-of-war that occasionally surfaces.  Please help me to "live out" that trust today, that I might bring a smile of pleasure to Your face.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Jesus take the wheel!!

1 Peter 5:5-6 "Humble yourselves, therefore, under the mighty hand of God, that He might exalt you at the proper time, casting all your anxiety upon Him, because He cares for you."

Carrie Underwood's first big hit, "Jesus Take the Wheel", underscores Peter's message in these familiar verses.  As I read them once again, something jumped out at me that I hadn't noticed before.  The phrase "casting all your anxiety" describe the process of humbling ourselves before God.  If that is true, then holding on to my anxiety and worry is a sign of pride.

Why do I become anxious?  Why do I worry?  It's usually because something is out of my control, and I want or need to control it.  That's pride.  God wants me to release my anxiety to Him.  After all, He's the only One who can really deal with it.  In the Sermon on the Mount Jesus tells us that worry is needless, useless, and faithless.  If God promises to take care of me and to meet all my needs, why am I so reluctant to let Him do it?  I cast my anxiety on Him like I cast a lure on a lake...sure, I throw it out there, but then I reel it back in.  God wants me to cut the line...cast it and leave it.

Lord, I do trust You.  I believe You can and want to and will take care of every aspect of my life.  Please help me to leave my cares with You today, really leave them.  Amen.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

You always hurt the one you love...

Prov 27:5-6 "Better is open rebuke than love that is concealed.  Faithful are the wounds of a Friend..."
Prov 28:23 "He who rebukes a man will afterward find more favor than he who flatters with the tongue."

Nearly every Saturday morning at 7:00 you'll find me and my dogs at C.J.'s house, ready for a walk.  It started 21 years ago when we both realized the need for accountability. Over the years our casual friendship has developed into a "Jonathan-David" relationship.  To say we know each other well would be an understatement. What started as a weekly 30 minute jog and prayer time in 1990 is now a 30 minute walk.  We talk, listen, pray about anything and everything.  Occasionally we ask each other tough, probing questions or make penetrating observations.  Sometimes that hurts, but the pain is inflicted in love.

My natural inclination is to hide my foibles and weaknesses, protect myself, but that tends to stunt my spiritual growth.  Trusting a close friend allows me to be transparent, vulnerable, to risk hurt.  It allows the Holy Spirit to do His work of transforming me into the image of Christ.  I desperately want to grow, to become more like Jesus.  No pain, no gain.  I'm okay with that.  Bring it on.

Lord, thank You for giving me friends who care enough about me to be honest.  Please help me to be real today.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Help...I've lost my brain!!

Psalm 51:10 says, "Create in me a clean heart oh God and renew a right spirit within me..."

Two days ago I booted up (or attempted to) my laptop and saw a frightening message: "unable to locate boot drive".  :-(   After several unsuccessful tries, I texted my I.T. friend who gave me some options, but none of them worked.  So...for the past few days I've been without my "brains".  Finally, this afternoon I am up and running again, working with something of a clean slate.  I get to reconfigure all my programs, websites, etc.  Time-consuming, but kind of fun.

That happens to me spiritually every once in awhile.  I find myself unable to connect with God.  Just as the internet was still there over the past few days, so also was God.  The problem with the connection was with my "hard drive", my heart.  Once I figured that out, my prayer echoed that of David's.  Thank God that He is patient, faithful, compassionate, and that He wants the connection to be restored even more than I do!  Now I get to "reconfigure my programs", starting with a clean slate, a pure heart.

Thank You, Jesus, for making a way for me to relate to my Heavenly Father.  Thanks for helping me to "reboot" my relationship with a pure heart.  Amen.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

In what direction does your ear lean??

Proverbs 22:17 "Incline your ear and hear the words of the wise, and apply your mind to my knowledge, for it will be pleasant if you keep them within you, that they may be ready on your lips."

We have a 6 month old, cute, Maltipoo puppy named Oliver. Ollie has outstanding hearing and is ADHD to the max! He can't stay focused for more than a few seconds and his head is constantly turning toward whatever catches his attention. Yet, in the midst of all the distractions, when one of us mentions his name, he stops what he's doing, cocks his head, and rushes to us.

I'm somewhat like Oliver, in that I'm constantly distracted by the cacophony of voices vying for my attention. Sometimes lost amidst the noise is the soft voice of the Holy Spirit. I find that when I start my day in conversation with God, I am more likely to pick His voice out from among all the others. I find myself "inclining my ear", leaning toward Him so I don't miss a word of His message.

Lord, I need to hear you today. I'm leaning toward You, anxiously waiting for your voice. Thanks for taking the time out of Your busy day to talk with me. :-)

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Is your heart out of balance?...

Proverbs 21:2 "Everyone's way is right in his own eyes, but the Lord weighs the heart."

When confronted, I am quick to justify my choices and actions. If I have messed up, the tendency is to cover up, do damage control. Although everything may look good on the outside, and even if I can convince myself that things are okay, I can't fool God. He knows me inside out and the Holy Spirit cuts through my defenses to evaluate my motives, my intentions in the light of His Word. Too often, He shows me that my heart is out of balance -- it is heavy with my desires and light with His. Uh-oh.

The good news is that God loves me in spite of what He knows about me. He wants me to be transparent, totally honest with Him and with myself. He's teaching me to do my own regular self-evaluation so that I get in the habit of listening to the Spirit and evaluating my decisions based on His revealed will.

God, please help me to listen carefully to You today and to be open and honest with myself and You.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

What does God look like?...

John 1:18 "No one has seen God at any time, but the only begotten Son who is in the bosom of the the Father, He has explained Him." John 14:9 "...he who has seen Me has seen the Father." Colossians 1:15 "...He (Jesus) is the exact representation of the invisible God..."

A 5-year-old was busy drawing a picture of an old man, bald and bearded, when his Sunday School teacher walked over and asked him who he was drawing. "It's God", the boy explained, whereupon the teacher said, "But Johnny, no one knows what God looks like." "They do now.", Johnny answered manner-of-factly.

God is essentially a spirit, so Johnny's teacher was right in saying that no one knows what He looks like. Physically, that is. However, Scripture tells us that in Jesus we discover who God is and what He "looks like"...His character.

Consider this...God is in the process of making us look like Jesus (Rom 8:29). His goal is that people will see Him in us. In a small way, just like Jesus, we too can "explain God", show people what He looks like. Wow!!! Question...what will others think of the "God" they see in you?

Lord, please control my attitudes, my motives, my words and actions so those with whom I interact today might see more of You than of me.

Monday, September 19, 2011

It's what's inside that counts...

Proverbs 28:6 "Better is a poor man who walks in his integrity than he who is crooked, though he be rich."

At our school we diligently attempt to instil the principle that it is what's inside a person that counts. It is an uphill battle, made difficult by the barrage of media messages that proclaim the opposite. Our message runs counter to the American culture, which emphasizes the external. Society values wealth, power, beauty, fame, athletic prowess. How often such people, who are sought after and admired, disappoint us.

God's Word says that integrity is of much more value than wealth. A person's worth is based on his character, his uprightness, not his balance sheet. When you need a friend, to whom would you turn... an obscure person you can trust or a famous person who is shallow and pretentious?

Lord, I want to be a person whose word is trustworthy, whose walk with God is consistent, whose heart is pure. Please help me to be more like that today.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Are you a casual or a committed friend?...

Proverbs 17:17 "A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity."

We've all been through tough times. One of the byproducts of adversity is revealing who your true friends are. I remember being surprised at who stood with me and who turned the other way when I was in a difficult situation. It was the loyalty, strength, compassion, honesty, wisdom, and discernment of a few close friends that got me through.

Friendship is a commitment. Just like the marriage vows say, "for better or for worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health...", friends stick with each other. Adversity strengthens the bond, deepens the relationship.

I thank God for my friends, particularly for my best friend - my wife. God is gracious to give us the gift of these special people.

Lord, please help me to be a loyal friend. Keep me from taking these relationships for granted. Show me how to express my appreciation to them. Amen.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Father knows best...

Proverbs 16:9 "The mind of man plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps."

We have done a few "remodels" on our house over the last 32 years. Each time I was "owner-builder". Designing the projects and drawing the plans was one of my favorite phases. Joan and I had great ideas, but before we could implement them, we had to submit to a "plan check". The city planner asked questions, made suggestions, and requested revisions so our project would meet the codes and regulations.

My life is like that. Too often I make plans and assume God will "rubber stamp" them, not making allowances for His revisions. I need to submit my plans to Him and honestly ask Him for input. I need to humbly, enthusiastically embrace His revisions, trusting that the Father knows best. :-)

Father, You know my plans for this day. Please help me to hear You clearly as You make adjustments that will better accomplish Your plan. Amen.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Are you Eeyore or Tigger??

Proverbs 15:15 "All of the days of the afflicted are bad, but a cheerful heart has a continual feast."

My attitude, my outlook, colors everything I experience. It's a choice to see things as a victim or as a victor. Outward circumstances don't determine my outlook. That comes from within, from my heart. I see people whose situation seems hopeless, yet they are joyful. Ont the other hand, I see people who experience minor setbacks or discomfort and you would think it was the end of the world.

With whom would you rather associate? Who has the better testimony? Who will you chose to be today> Will you be Eeyore or will you be Tigger?

Lord, let my smile be genuine today, radiating from a grateful heart that overflows with peace and joy.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Where there's Milk, there's Manure....

Proverbs 14:4 "Where there are no oxen, the manger is clean, but much increase comes by the strength of the ox."

I love to work with wood. I have a workshop in my garage and I love to build things. It is relaxing and refreshing for me to design and build a cabinet or piece of furniture. There's a sense of pride and satisfaction with the finished product. But... there's also a cost involved. When I'm building, my shop gets messy. Cutting wood produces a lot of sawdust and scraps.

My shop would be much neater if I never flipped the power switch on my table saw, but I wouldn't get anything built either. So it is with life, both individually and corporately. Status quo is neat and clean. Growth is messy. Misunderstandings, hurt feelings, frustrations are byproducts of change. As we move forward, we must be diligent to regularly "muck out the stalls" - working at maintaining relationships. Managing growth successfully requires sensitivity, patience, forgiveness, and seeking forgiveness.

Lord, I don't want to stay the same. I want to continue to grow and change. Please help me today to be both focused and sensitive, aware of those around me. Please use me.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Be careful....Your friends are infectious...

Prov 13:20 "He who walks with wise men will become wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm." Psalm 1:1 "Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the ungodly, or stand in the path of sinners, or sit in the seat of scoffers." 1 Corinthians 15:33 "Do not be deceived, evil companions corrupt good morals.:

When I was a little boy, the moms in our neighborhood had a practice that may or may not have been wise. Whenever one of us would get sick with the mumps, measles, chicken pox, or other contagious illness, they would get us together so we would all be exposed. Their thinking was that it would be good for us all to be sick at the same time and get those "childhood diseases" out of our system.

Just like exposure to chicken pox will most likely result in my getting sick, so the thinking, attitudes, behavior, and reputation of my friends are contagious. I will most likely become like those with whom I regularly associate. While I must rub shoulders with and relate to non-Believers, God consistently tells me to be careful in choosing my friends.

Lord, thank You for giving me friends who hold me accountable and who help me stay on the right path. You keep using them to bless me. Please use me to bless them today.

Friday, September 9, 2011

The power of a good word...

Proverbs 12:25 "Anxiety in the heart of man causes depression, But a good word makes it glad." Isaiah 50:4 "The Lord GOD has given Me The tongue of the learned, That I should know how to speak a word in season to him who is weary..."

I can remember a few times when I was so discouraged, so low that I "had to look up to look down." In each of those instances, God sent a friend to listen and to speak a timely word of encouragement. God moved that person to come to me; God gave him the words to say. Fortunately for me, my friend was "tuned in" to the Holy Spirit and chose to respond in obedience to His prompting. What a difference it made in my life!

Is someone you know hurting? Is God prompting you to do something? Has He given you a word of encouragement to share? Don't rush by those opportunities. It may not be an appropriate time to go to the person, but thank God for the multiple means of communication. Email, Facebook, Twitter, Skype, texting...even as a last resort, the telephone or a hand-written note! :-)

Lord, I know You want to use me to encourage someone today. Please give me an open ear, a discerning heart, and a willing spirit. I want to make a difference.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

God's Word is Life-changing...: How deep do your roots go?...

God's Word is Life-changing...: How deep do your roots go?...

How deep do your roots go?...

Proverbs 12:3 "A man will not be established by wickedness, but the root of the righteous will not be moved." Proverbs 10:25 "...the righteous has an everlasting foundation."

A few years ago I was determined to remove a yucca tree from our front yard. Having hacked away the trunk, I was just left with the easy part -- pulling out the stump. Easy part? I don't think so! I dug and dug. I bent a 2 inch-thick pry bar. Finally I attached a heavy duty tow strap from the stump to my truck. I put it into gear, hit the gas, and snapped the tow strap. :-( That was one tough stump!

Solomon likens a Believer, a "righteous one", to that yucca tree. It says our roots will not be moved; we will not easily be shaken. In other passages he likens us to a building whose foundation is solid and enduring.

Hurricanes will rage. Earthquakes will shake and sift us. Tornadoes will tear up the landscape. Life is full of storms... distress...disintegrating relationships. Are you rooted deeply in the Word, anchored to His promises? Is your foundation built upon the bedrock of His unchanging character...His unlimited mercy and grace?

Lord, thank You that my security is not dependent upon me and my resources, but in You your faithfulness. Help me to trust you on my own behalf and on behalf of those I love.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

How's your virus protection?...

Prov 4:23 "Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life."

One of my "dreads" is a virus-infected computer. So much of my life is on my laptop. It makes my feel a little more secure each time I see the message, "scanning for viruses". There's a little sentry somewhere inside my computer checking everyone's credentials, and he's not about to let an imposter get in. That's not technologically accurate, but it's the picture in my mind. :-)

The Hebrew word for "guard" is the military term for a sentry, a soldier tasked with keeping things secure, keeping the bad guys out. It is, in a sense, anti-virus protection. Just like the computer hackers and other techno-bad-guys who strategize to infect my computer, Satan and his minions are constantly trying to find ways to infiltrate my heart. He likes nothing more than to distract me, confuse me, distort God's message. It was that way in the beginning in the Garden with Eve and it hasn't changed over the centuries.

How do I guard my heart? It's very basic. Keep short accounts with God...don't let sin and guilt linger. Keep "prayed-up"...have regular conversations with God. It helps me to distinguish His voice from the Devil's. Read His Word makes it harder for the Deceiver to distort the message. Have an "accountability partner", someone trustworthy with whom I can be transparently honest and who will not let me get by with anything. Fellowship with other believers...praise and worship are "good infections"!

Lord, thank you for all the many "virus protections" You provide for me. Please help me to keep up to date!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A habit I don't want to kick...

Proverbs 6:20-23 "...observe the commandment of your father...bind them continually on your heart...they will guide over to you...for the commandment is a lamp, and the teaching is light; and the reproofs of discipline are the way of life."

You think GPS is cool? I once had a 1956 Chevy that had "auto pilot"! When I was in college, every evening around 5:30 p.m. it would automatically navigate to my girlfriend's house. Joan and her mom were terrific cooks and somehow I was always "in the neighborhood" at dinner time. It happened so regularly that they began setting a place for me at the table each evening.

God wants us to have an "auto pilot" of sorts...He wants us to habitually, automatically navigate to a daily "quiet time" with Him. For me,it's early morning. I'm in my study at 5 a.m., cup of coffee in one hand, Bible on my lap, ready to spend some time with Him... and He's always there first, waiting for me! Don't get me wrong...I don't necessarily look forward to the alarm sounding at 4:30. Just like I craved those daily meals at Joan's house, I love my daily time with God. It's what frames my day. It gives me fresh perspective and sets the tone for all that I will do. It opens my heart and my ears to His Word. It "tunes me in" to the voice of His Spirit. It helps me to see the path ahead more clearly.

Lord, thank You for wanting to meet with me each morning. Thank You for always showing up, even when I don't. Thank You for the day You've planned for me today. I'm ready to follow Your lead.

Monday, September 5, 2011

He's watching...He cares!

Prov 5:21 "For the ways of a man are before the eyes of the Lord, and H watches all his paths."

I must have been six or seven and I had a sweet tooth. I also knew where my mom hid the candy. It was in the left upper kitchen cabinet on the right hand side of the second shelf. Sure, it was high, but not out of reach for a hungry, determined little boy. I waited until she was busy in the other room, scooted a chair to the counter, and climbed up. Looking around, I quickly grabbed a handful of M&Ms, scrambled down and put the chair back in place. I escaped to my bedroom and devoured my stolen loot. Later that day, mom causally asked if I had enjoyed the candy. How could she have known? For the next few years I was convinced that she knew every move I made!

Believing that my mom knew what I was doing influenced my decision making. It occasionally kept me out of trouble, as I didn't want to disappoint her and I didn't want to be punished. As I grew up, I learned that she wasn't omniscient after all.

I did, however, become intimately acquainted with One, a facet of whose character is that He is all-knowing. There is a wonderful sense of security and protection in the realization that I cannot hide from God. Psalm 139 says that He is behind, ahead, below, and above me. He knows me inside out and He observes my coming and going. Understanding this helps me to make wise choices and keeps me on the right path most of the time. The closer I become to Him, the more I sense His presence, and the better I am able to discern His directions.

Thank you, Lord, for caring enough about me to notice me. Please let me feel Your presence with me today; let me follow You closely throughout the day. Amen.

Friday, September 2, 2011

How desperate are you?...

Proverbs 2:4-5 "If you seek her (wisdom) as silver, and search for her as for hidden treasure, then you will discern the knowledge of God; for the Lord gives wisdom and from His mouth come knowledge and understanding."

One of the funniest movies I've seen is the 1963 film, "It's A Mad Mad Mad Mad World". Director Stanley Kramer assembled a veritable "Who's Who" of film comedy for the slapstick extravaganza about a group of strangers who learn about $350,000 in hidden loot from a dying gangster and set off on a madcap cross-country race to find it. Those people brought the word, "desperate" to life!

When was the last time you found yourself desperately searching for something? It's becoming more frequent for me these days -- not looking for buried treasure, but trying to remember where I put something that I need. :-)

Gaining knowledge, developing insight, growing in discernment and understanding is not a passive process. It requires action - passion, determination, persistence on my part. It is when I am desperate to grow spiritually, when it becomes my focus and I want to spend time with God in His Word, listening to Him -- it's then that I become more sensitive to His direction, I discern His voice, and I know what to say and do.

Lord, I confess that I'm usually too distracted by other things; I get sidetracked and my search for wisdom is not my top priority. I do want to grow in wisdom and discernment. I want to get to know You better today. I'm here. I'm ready. I'm listening.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

How is your spiritual GPS system working?...

Prov 1:5 "A wise man will hear & increase in learning; a man of understanding will acquire wise counsel."

Have you ever had to drive in a dense fog? Or have you had to navigate a boat through waters littered with unseen obstacles just below the surface? Have you set off toward a destination in an unfamiliar territory without directions on how to get there? Each of those situations poses a real threat to your safety. A GPS navigational system would really come in handy!

The word "counsel" comes from a Hebrew word that means "steering". God's Word is our navigational chart, our GPS, that helps us steer around dangerous "below the surface" obstacles; it helps us set and maintain an accurate course to our destination. How foolish for a sailor to disregard his charts and set off, guided only by what he can see.

Same with us. I need to constantly check my bearings, my location with God's Word. It gives me direction, discernment, understanding, protection. It keeps my feet on the right path; it keeps my attitude in check; it helps me to sense the need for course corrections along the way.

Thank you, Lord, for not leaving me to my own wisdom and understanding. Thank you that I can lean on You, seek Your counsel, trust Your leading.